Monday, April 11, 2011

Changes to the layout are going smoothly...almost.

The turntable and the first of two three-stall roundhouses are in place and the holes are drilled through the table for the wiring, but the wires need to be soldered to the rails in an odd way to allow the track sections to fit correctly. It's not that big of a deal, just a tad annoying. When the wiring issue is solved, it should all go in smoothly and not be an issue. Here are a few pics of the area and how it will look with the roundhouses in place. There will be another storage track right next to the section of Kato Unitrack that is next to the completed roundhouse and both tracks will be used for storing a few cars and maybe an engine. The bit of Unitrack that is already in place will eventually be wired as a program track.

P.S. The base to the second roundhouse section is only there to check clearance in the cut out sections of cardboard and to show where it will be placed. It has not been tacked down yet. 

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